Thursday, July 26, 2012

Do I still call it Summer?...

Wow where did those weeks/ months go by?

It is weird to think about as I am sitting at my desk, procrastinating and waiting for emails to come in.. 

Four years ago around this time I was crying to my mom and dad not wanting to go to school. I didn't want to move away, I didn't want to be a freshman, I was scared and I was homesick already, I hadn't even left yet. But little did I know when I waved goodbye to my Mom and Dad when they dropped me off it was the start of the best four years I ever had. 

Now it's almost three months after GRADUATING from Penn State University with a Broadcast degree. I did it! I actually did it! There were times where I didn't think that day would come, I know other people would agree. 

Now we are approaching August of 2012 and I'm not packing up my room, I'm not organizing my school supplies, and I'm not going to pick out that first day of school outfit.... this is just so weird.

Instead I am getting up to go to work at 6:30 in the morning getting to work by 8:00 and working until 5:00, is this real?               
                                     uhhhh YES. 

I come home from work and feel a little strange, its not like I have homework to do, this is what work is, you sit at a desk for 8 hours take an hour for lunch and just wait at a computer....Reallllyyyyyy

Where I am working now I am actually doing things I went to school for, I have produced my own YouTube Channel called AtThePoolWithAlyssa, I have been able to use my editing skills I learned at school and I have been on camera as well. 

It is not exactly what I thought I would be doing right out of college but it beats waiting tables or not having a job at all. 

The job search will be starting up again soon and we all know how much I love that. 

I keep thinking to myself 'I don’t want August 23rd to come, I'm not ready for everyone to be back at school and me be sitting at work'... how weird is that going to be? I think thats when it's all going to sink in. I really did graduate. I am a real person now.

Question: Where do you think I should start the search for my DREAM JOB?

And Do I still call Summer, Summer even though I don't have to go back to school? 

Until next time this is me...for now : Dreaming