Thursday, February 9, 2012

Finally made it!

Hey everyone out there in cyber world! My name is Alyssa Pulice and I am a SENIOR at Penn State University and this is can you believe FIRST blog. I am graduating in May with a Broadcast degree so....if you have any ins for me LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Finding a job isn't as glamorous as you might think...

As everyone has one, my dream is to be an E! News correspondent!!! I know I know .. that is a really big dream to fulfill but you know what you have to dream big to get what you want out of life. I have watched E! and Access Hollywood for as long as I can remember because that is what my mom watched so I have been hooked for years.

So with graduation only 85ish days away the job hunt has begun with applying to places like...ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX....really Alyssa...really. Obviously I want the glamor and I want the sparkle but maybe we should start somewhere a tad smaller, but I just brush that off like its nothing...I know I could be great at this I know I can do something MARVELOUS! So I start over...

E! (of course)...
               Food Network...
                      Travel Channel....
                                  ABC Family...
                                       Disney Channel... (because we all know I'm a princess!!)
                                             Fashion TV...
                                                                 Style Network....
                                                                                                                  ....That's enough for now!

So as I start my search on line for a JOB or even an INTERNSHIP, I am shocked to see....

                                                                     well almost all...

Just my luck right! I know. My poor roommate hearing me complain, while she is doing arts and crafts for the wonderful event coming up at Penn State THON! She says I don't understand how they make it so hard!!! ME EITHER!!!

My question for you today ...Is Broadcast Journalism really all who you know? GO! Let me know what you think!

Until tomorrow This is me... for now : Frustrated :/

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