Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wow its been a While...

Well guys it is me again...

It has been a while I am a year and 3 months out of college and all I have to say is I am surviving...
I am not actually sure how but I guess that's why I'm here... I have to fill you guys in!!!

So since my last post that was a year ago, I have been all over the place!!

After my internship at Hayward, I was not working for about 6 months....not the ideal situation for a recent college graduate with bills and the lovely student loan coming around the corner. It was time to get my butt back in the job search routine.

With all the applying I did I finally got a call for a job in NASHVILLE!!! Right away I was so excited. THE JERSEY GIRL WAS GOING TO THE LAND OF COUNTRY...I got a little ahead of myself as I usually do. This was for a job with CGI Communications Inc, an online video advertising company that places advertising on community websites. So I went for an interview in Rochester NY.

I got the job, but no NASHVILLE... instead it was a job that I do from home with lots of travel.

That was October...I wouldn't start work til January...

During the holiday season I was sick of sitting on the couch and on the computer looking at jobs so I got a job at the mall. (NOT the best place for a shopaholic with a dwindling bank account). But I needed to do something so Macy's Fragrance counter it was!

Lets put it this way...everyone got Christmas presents from Macy's and it was fun while it lasted..

When January rolled around I was in Rochester NY for two weeks... cold rainy snowy Rochester. First day met some awesome people three people that I still talk to right now and that I am kind of obsessed with. Job was going well, actually made some money but the job that I thought I had as a Community Correspondent somehow magically changed to an Account Executive aka SALES...

So six months with CGI and I was drained, 100% tapped out. I traveled at least one hour commute twice day most days and sometimes I was so far from home that I was living out of a suitcase 3 hours from home for weeks on end.

Lets just say I as not loving it... With traveling so much Pretty Little Pearl had seen her last mile and New Sassy Sapphire has arrived!! Yes the poor college graduate bought a BRAND NEW CAR!! But...

The job search had begun...and was a success

Since July 7th I have been working at Stratus Technology Services, so far so good. There is a lot of learning to do (I went to school for broadcast so the IT world is like speaking another language). But I am getting there... I travel to Shrewsbury everyday which kind of stinks but, I have to do what I have to do.

And I almost forgot!!! I started my own business!!! I'm sure you all know what a T-Shirt Quilt is...well now I make them. I made one for myself when I got out of school, then made one for my little sister for her high school graduation, along with helping my friend create hers and the light bulb turned on!!! QUILTEES is the name of my business and it has taken off. Everyone seems to love it and the orders are flying in!!! (The best part is...I can do it from home and it helps me pay my lovely bills!) IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE THAT NEEDS ONE LET ME KNOW!!

So for now... my student loan bill comes once a month and drains out my account as well as my car payment!! But I am very fortunate to have a job and to be getting paid every two weeks!

Talk to everyone soon!!!


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