Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wow its been a While...

Well guys it is me again...

It has been a while I am a year and 3 months out of college and all I have to say is I am surviving...
I am not actually sure how but I guess that's why I'm here... I have to fill you guys in!!!

So since my last post that was a year ago, I have been all over the place!!

After my internship at Hayward, I was not working for about 6 months....not the ideal situation for a recent college graduate with bills and the lovely student loan coming around the corner. It was time to get my butt back in the job search routine.

With all the applying I did I finally got a call for a job in NASHVILLE!!! Right away I was so excited. THE JERSEY GIRL WAS GOING TO THE LAND OF COUNTRY...I got a little ahead of myself as I usually do. This was for a job with CGI Communications Inc, an online video advertising company that places advertising on community websites. So I went for an interview in Rochester NY.

I got the job, but no NASHVILLE... instead it was a job that I do from home with lots of travel.

That was October...I wouldn't start work til January...

During the holiday season I was sick of sitting on the couch and on the computer looking at jobs so I got a job at the mall. (NOT the best place for a shopaholic with a dwindling bank account). But I needed to do something so Macy's Fragrance counter it was!

Lets put it this way...everyone got Christmas presents from Macy's and it was fun while it lasted..

When January rolled around I was in Rochester NY for two weeks... cold rainy snowy Rochester. First day met some awesome people three people that I still talk to right now and that I am kind of obsessed with. Job was going well, actually made some money but the job that I thought I had as a Community Correspondent somehow magically changed to an Account Executive aka SALES...

So six months with CGI and I was drained, 100% tapped out. I traveled at least one hour commute twice day most days and sometimes I was so far from home that I was living out of a suitcase 3 hours from home for weeks on end.

Lets just say I as not loving it... With traveling so much Pretty Little Pearl had seen her last mile and New Sassy Sapphire has arrived!! Yes the poor college graduate bought a BRAND NEW CAR!! But...

The job search had begun...and was a success

Since July 7th I have been working at Stratus Technology Services, so far so good. There is a lot of learning to do (I went to school for broadcast so the IT world is like speaking another language). But I am getting there... I travel to Shrewsbury everyday which kind of stinks but, I have to do what I have to do.

And I almost forgot!!! I started my own business!!! I'm sure you all know what a T-Shirt Quilt is...well now I make them. I made one for myself when I got out of school, then made one for my little sister for her high school graduation, along with helping my friend create hers and the light bulb turned on!!! QUILTEES is the name of my business and it has taken off. Everyone seems to love it and the orders are flying in!!! (The best part is...I can do it from home and it helps me pay my lovely bills!) IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE THAT NEEDS ONE LET ME KNOW!!

So for now... my student loan bill comes once a month and drains out my account as well as my car payment!! But I am very fortunate to have a job and to be getting paid every two weeks!

Talk to everyone soon!!!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Do I still call it Summer?...

Wow where did those weeks/ months go by?

It is weird to think about as I am sitting at my desk, procrastinating and waiting for emails to come in.. 

Four years ago around this time I was crying to my mom and dad not wanting to go to school. I didn't want to move away, I didn't want to be a freshman, I was scared and I was homesick already, I hadn't even left yet. But little did I know when I waved goodbye to my Mom and Dad when they dropped me off it was the start of the best four years I ever had. 

Now it's almost three months after GRADUATING from Penn State University with a Broadcast degree. I did it! I actually did it! There were times where I didn't think that day would come, I know other people would agree. 

Now we are approaching August of 2012 and I'm not packing up my room, I'm not organizing my school supplies, and I'm not going to pick out that first day of school outfit.... this is just so weird.

Instead I am getting up to go to work at 6:30 in the morning getting to work by 8:00 and working until 5:00, is this real?               
                                     uhhhh YES. 

I come home from work and feel a little strange, its not like I have homework to do, this is what work is, you sit at a desk for 8 hours take an hour for lunch and just wait at a computer....Reallllyyyyyy

Where I am working now I am actually doing things I went to school for, I have produced my own YouTube Channel called AtThePoolWithAlyssa, I have been able to use my editing skills I learned at school and I have been on camera as well. 

It is not exactly what I thought I would be doing right out of college but it beats waiting tables or not having a job at all. 

The job search will be starting up again soon and we all know how much I love that. 

I keep thinking to myself 'I don’t want August 23rd to come, I'm not ready for everyone to be back at school and me be sitting at work'... how weird is that going to be? I think thats when it's all going to sink in. I really did graduate. I am a real person now.

Question: Where do you think I should start the search for my DREAM JOB?

And Do I still call Summer, Summer even though I don't have to go back to school? 

Until next time this is me...for now : Dreaming 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

RIP Whitney Houston.... Hello Grammy's

Hey Bloggers out there, it's me again...

    How was everyone's weekend?! Mine was fabulous..I worked all weekend, but you know the poor college girl needs her shopping money. So after a long day of work on Saturday I am sitting watching TV in my apartment and a news bulletin pops up on the what i think to myself and then as i see it roll on the bottom of the screen the Whitney Houston is dead at the age of 48...this seriously must be a joke right... wrong. Last night we lost one of the most influential artists of all time, the women whose songs I used to sing when I was little, the women whose songs were all over karaoke and the women that was around for so many others. Gone... no way. It still isn't real.

If anyone out there is living under a rock and doesn't know what happened take a look:

RIP Whitney Houston

I know, it's so sad!!! I will always keep her in my heart and mind. What was so nice was today after again a long day at work and staying an hour later then I was suppose to I come home to watch the Grammy Awards and the first thing LL Cool J had every one do is say a prayer and commemorate the great legend lost this weekend.

With people like Adelle...Chris Brown... Rhianna...Katy Perry... Foo Fighters... Paul McCartney... The Band Perry... Blake Shelton...  and  Taylor Swift... It only could mean one thing...ITS AWARD SHOW SEASON....and tonight is the GRAMMY'S!!!!

I couldn't ask for a better Sunday night!!!! These types of shows are my life! I want to be Giuliana on that red carpet, I want to be down there interviewing Katy Perry with her blue hair and Rhianna with that rocking dress. As you all know that is my dream, to be an E! News Correspondent.

I am sitting here and it is 10:25, there is only 35 more min left of this years Grammy's and all I am waiting for is the Album and Record of the year!!!.....correction the Grammy's are not over at 11...they will go on forever!!! and what did everyone think of that Whitney tribute by J Hudson...amazing!

Well Bloggers that all for now...busy week ahead, interview with @CrystalSeth tomorrow, then the best day of the year besides my birthday, Valentines Day AND ONLY 5 DAYS TIL THON! FTK !!

What does everyone think?!... I say ADELE all the way, and in one week we will have raised more then last year at THON, let me know what you think!!

Until next time this is me...for now : Anxious! :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Finally made it!

Hey everyone out there in cyber world! My name is Alyssa Pulice and I am a SENIOR at Penn State University and this is can you believe FIRST blog. I am graduating in May with a Broadcast degree so....if you have any ins for me LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Finding a job isn't as glamorous as you might think...

As everyone has one, my dream is to be an E! News correspondent!!! I know I know .. that is a really big dream to fulfill but you know what you have to dream big to get what you want out of life. I have watched E! and Access Hollywood for as long as I can remember because that is what my mom watched so I have been hooked for years.

So with graduation only 85ish days away the job hunt has begun with applying to places like...ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX....really Alyssa...really. Obviously I want the glamor and I want the sparkle but maybe we should start somewhere a tad smaller, but I just brush that off like its nothing...I know I could be great at this I know I can do something MARVELOUS! So I start over...

E! (of course)...
               Food Network...
                      Travel Channel....
                                  ABC Family...
                                       Disney Channel... (because we all know I'm a princess!!)
                                             Fashion TV...
                                                                 Style Network....
                                                                                                                  ....That's enough for now!

So as I start my search on line for a JOB or even an INTERNSHIP, I am shocked to see....

                                                                     well almost all...

Just my luck right! I know. My poor roommate hearing me complain, while she is doing arts and crafts for the wonderful event coming up at Penn State THON! She says I don't understand how they make it so hard!!! ME EITHER!!!

My question for you today ...Is Broadcast Journalism really all who you know? GO! Let me know what you think!

Until tomorrow This is me... for now : Frustrated :/